Pichler FMS USB Adapter #C6091 (only the version with switch is compatible because you have to switch into mode 2) These USB cables and USB transmitters are not compatible: RCWare RX2SIM Wireless Multi-Sim Adapter, Freakware (no seperate USB cable needed) International: USB Flight Simulator Cable Super Sim X, All-In-One (use mode 2) International: Wireless USB Adapter from HobbyKing (Wireless 9 in 1 Simulator Adapter) International: USB Simulator cable XTR/AeroFly/FMS (4-channel USB cable and three buttons)
USA: DYNAM - RC Tech 6 CH Flight Simulator Remote Control: Amazon, UK: DYNAM - RC Tech 6 CH Flight Simulator Remote Control: Amazon UK, eBay UK Here you can purchase compatible USB transmitters or USB cables: Reflex XTR interface in joystick mode (instruction manual)Īerofly Professional and Aerofly 5 interfaces and transmitter (instruction manual) PS3 or PS4 controller (OSX: no driver installation needed, Windows: separate drivers, link follows)
X box 360 controller (Windows: install the controller supplied driver, OSX: separate drivers, link follows)
All interfaces which are delivering a joystick signal will work (instruction manual). Any remote control, which is connected to the computer per USB simulator cable.